Friday, November 14, 2008

How sweet it is to be a Muslim Woman

So..,who says jadi housewife tak best??? Pahalanyer melimpah ruah tau!!! Especially here in Japan lagi best..,50% of your husband's penchant is your's jugak...if only they do that kind of thing back home in Malaysia too...that would definitely help the wife's self confidence tremendously kan, and help to control the husbands to behave and to treat their wives well!Over here, every month the bank would do an auto deduction! Itu yang zahir laa...ini yang 'batin' nie..,memang tak der tolok banding tau yang Allah kasi for us ladies who are housewives!-yer laa...kalau tak housewife, how do you suppose to earn this pahala to the maximum...EVERYDAY ???!!! kan???!!!In Malaysia, I think housewives are not highly regarded..., when in reality, that's the highest place Allah has given to us ladies. I just don't get it when some ladies look down on their own gender just because they 'sit at home'! I got it myself! At one time, my sister in law said to me..'..duk kat rumah, duk kelebet anak jer'..well, how degrading is that?! I felt like saying, well, tangan Indon is better than your own hands feeding the children is it?! If you send your kids to nursery...they are just a number okay?! So if i do have a choice, I would vote being a housewife anytime..looking after my own children and raising them with my own hands! By the way, I do love 'sitting at home' and be a home maker as I am a homey person! I really think whether a woman should go to work or not is her own choice, and not because she felt challenged by others to do so!
It was just yesterday when I was feeling a bit down from thinking about this life..,that all seems to be so empty...,really! Like, I was just wondering..,looking around me, and doing whatever we do..,is that just it???! what next? Where do we go from here..?
Growing up as a Muslim in Malaysia seems to have so many limitations..,without having to see or feel the beauty of being one. Mostly, it is all about horrifying punishments like what the hell really look like and what we get in the hereafter say if we don't say our 5 times obligatory prayers everyday..,(that we'll rise up from the grave with our face looking like a pig..,and that later a gigantic scorpion will come and eat us up)! That is just one to name a few...
It's very rare to hear people saying about the love of God. Mostly it is about most of us, would end up living in forget about what will happen in the hereafter... and that will be dealt later with when the time comes..,so to say! But, when it comes, there's no turning back and there will not be any second chance!
Today, I just recieved this forwarded email about how beautiful and sweet it is to be a Muslim woman. I read about this before in a newspaper years ago but I forgot to make a clipping. So I was glad to see this email this morning. With this, now I could really see how much Allah really loves us..,but then again, I feel so really small too..,like as if it's sooooo difficult to be such a good woman (read as angel) when actually it's really easy! So i guess this is good news and a form of consolation and encouragement to my depression that I was having yesterday that I thought that I'd share it here...
Let us think and ponder...!
  1. A good woman (wanita solehah) is better than 70 good men (lelaki soleh).
  2. An evil woman is worse than 1000 bad men.
  3. 2 rakaat of solat (prayers) from a pregnant woman is better than 80 rakaat of solat from a non pregnant woman.
  4. A woman who breast fed her baby will get a merit from every drop that the baby takes.
  5. A woman who treats her husband in kindness when the husband came back home tired will get pahala jihad (merits as if you went on a holy war).
  6. A woman who doesn't get to sleep properly looking after her sick child at night will get merits as if she has freed 20 slaves!
  7. A woman who look at her husband with love and vice versa will be looked by Allah full with blessings.
  8. A woman who cause her husband to go out and fight for Allah and later look after her home well will enter Paradise 500 years earlier than her husband, and she will be the leader of 70,000 angels and fairies..,and the woman will be bathe in Heavens while waiting for her husband coming to her riding on a horse made up from 'yakut'.
  9. A woman who doesn't get to sleep well looking after her sick child at night will have all her sins be pardoned by Allah, and when she entertains her child, Allah gives her merits from 12 years of ibadat (prayers).
  10. A woman who milk an animal while saying "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah), will be prayed by that animal with blessings.
  11. A woman who sweeps the floor while 'berzikir' (praising Allah), will get merits as if we are sweeping the floors in Baitullah (Kaabah).
  12. A woman who kneads her dough of flour saying "Bismillah", her 'rezeki' (income) will be blessed.
  13. A woman who looks after her solat (prayers), observe her fasting, and listen/obey to her husband ,then Allah will give her permission to enter heaven from any door that she wishes to enter!
  14. A pregnant woman will get fasting merits in day time.
  15. A pregnant woman will get praying merits in night time.
  16. A woman who give birth will get merits from 70 years of solat (prayers) and fasting, and for every pain from her nerves, Allah will give merits from one pilgrimage done.
  17. If a woman dies 40 days after the delivery, she is considered as 'Syahid'.
  18. If a woman breastfeed her child until he/she completes 2 1/2 years old, the angels in heavens will sing and say the good news that the heaven is compulsory for you!(..and how are you supposed to be entitled for this if you had to go to work? In Malaysia there's NO such thing as 2 1/2 years of maternity leave okay?!, and you mean to say your job is GREATER than HEAVEN??? Puhleeeeezzz!!!)
  19. If a woman breastfeed her crying baby, Allah will give her merits from a year of praying n fasting.
  20. If a woman gives a massage to her husband without being asked, she will get merits of 7 blocks ('tola') of gold, and if she does it by being asked, she will get merits of 7 blocks of bronze.
  21. A woman who dies with her husband's blessings will go to Heaven.
  22. Everyone will be called to see Allah in the hereafter one day, but Allah will come Himself to see the women who look after their 'aurat' (head and body) properly covered...(..iaitu memakai purdah di dunia ini dengan istiqamah)...

1 comment:

Fadhli-Fadhilah said...

Perhaps, to be a part of it!!! Amin...