Saturday, April 5, 2008

10 Months Old Today!!!

My precious baby is exactly 10 months old today. Really can't believe of how time do fly! I could still remember as if it was yesterday when Dr. Norleen helped to take him out from my womb and put him on my tummy!...and now, he could actually climb over me and stand up while holding on to something already!Most of the time he would be knocking his head though. Either to the coffee table, the sides of the cupboard or the wall. He just couldn't sit still! much so until now we had to put a blanket over the coffee table for padding!At the moment, Umair is into playing with mummy's pop up toaster...that got Daddy worried if he would get his tiny hands stuck in between them! So, yesterday, I had kept that away. It looks like now I have to get started with reorganizing and redecorate the house. He is really starting to doing it for me otherwise!

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